
All about the coffins

There are many colour combinations to choose from and Jessie is happy to discuss the options with you, encouraging any input you wish to have in creating a unique casket. Willow colours do vary depending on the seasons and availability.

Each casket is lined with natural cotton and small pillow. A solid oak plaque is engraved to furnish the lid, this can include a few words from the family.

“Thank you for making the most wonderful coffin, everyone commented on how beautiful it was”   Barbara Lock.

The coffin names come from the Cornish language, ‘Chy’ meaning ‘House’, followed by descriptive words to describe where the house is situated. 

The colours may vary slightly depending on the season, the general feel of the design will remain the same.

All of the colours used in the coffins are natural, there are hundreds of willow varieties with different coloured barks.

The Chyandour coffin can only be made in spring when the willow starts to sprout its new seasons leaves.

Willow is harvested during the winter months while the sap is down, this is when the vibrant colours are available.

Chytodden – ‘House by grasslands’.

White willow is produced by standing the freshly cut willow in water over the winter, when the new shoots start to grow, the sap is rising and allows for easy removal of the bark to produce a pristine white.

Chynals – ‘House on a cliff’.

The colours in the Chynals and Chywoone coffins are seasonal an are only available from December through to March.

Chywoone – ‘House on a down’
Boscawen – ‘House by an elder tree’
Chyreen – ‘House on a slope’